Alan Oyster, Chairman
Randall Snyder, Vice Chairman
Robert Thomas, Secretary
James McLaughlin, Treasurer
Robert Blowers
Clare Schoonover
Edward Gronow
Ronald Spencer
Timothy Muckley


Help us in the war against terrorism The USA PATRIOT ACT requires credit unions to take extra security precautions to help the government fight the funding of terrorism and money laundering activities. Federal law requires all financial institutions to obtain, verify, and record information that identifies each person who opens an account. These new procedures are designed to prevent crimes, such as identity theft and account fraud, that terrorists commit to finance their operations against the U.S. and its citizens.

When an account is opened or changed, you will be asked for your name, address, date of birth, and other information that will allow us to identify you. We will also ask to see your driver’s license or other identifying government-issued documents. The definition of an account covers a broad range of regular financial transactions such as deposit, transaction, asset, or credit accounts or other extension of credit. The required verification may be inconvenient for some but a strong deterrent for terrorists and other criminals. You can rest assured that we will only request the information required by law…and that we will use the information only for purposes of complying with the law. Your privacy is our top concern, and we will respect and protect it as always, consistent with the law’s requirements.

We strive to implement these regulations with as little inconvenience as possible. Since this is a matter of national security, your cooperation is vitally important and we thank you for your help. Call us at 330-305-3050 or click here to request more information.


You can rest assured that your money is safe, sound, and secure with Community One Credit Union. Your funds are Federally insured by the National Credit Union Administration, an agency of the Federal Government. The National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund, (NCUSIF), provides up to $250,000 in coverage for your share accounts.

For additional peace of mind, Community One provides insurance over and above the limits of the NCUSIF through a private insurer, Excess Share Insurance Corporation. This coverage mirrors the coverage of the NCUSIF, providing up to an additional $250,000 in coverage on your checking and savings accounts, and up to an additional $250,000 in coverage for your Individual Retirement Account.

Community One advises its members to review their share accounts yearly to ensure that all of their funds continue to be insured. We recommend you speak to a Member Service Representative any time you open a new account or modify an existing account.

For more information, click here to go directly to the National Credit Union Administration website. Once there, you will find detailed information regarding your Share Insurance, including how to obtain additional coverage.


Community One Credit Union, your member owned financial institution, is committed to providing you with competitive products and services to meet your financial needs and help you reach your goals. We are equally committed to protecting the privacy of our members. Under federal law, we are required to give you this privacy notice. It describes our credit union's privacy policy and practices concerning the personal information we collect and disclose about our members. It also includes information about the parties who receive personal and sometimes nonpublic information from us as we conduct the business of the credit union.

Information We Collect About You

We collect nonpublic personal information about you from the following sources:

  • Information we receive from you on applications and other forms
  • Information about your transactions with us
  • Information we receive from a consumer reporting agency
  • Information obtained when verifying the information you provide on an application or other forms; this may be obtained from your current or past employers, or from other institutions where you conduct financial transactions

We may disclose all of the information we collect, as described above, as permitted by law.

Parties Who Receive Information From Us

We may disclose nonpublic personal information about you to the following types of third parties.

Financial service providers, such as insurance companies, mortgage service companies, and securities broker-dealers Non-financial companies, such as consumer reporting agencies, data processors, check/share draft printers, financial statement publishers, plastic card processors, and government agencies.

Disclosure of Information to Parties That Provide Service to Us

In order for us to conduct the business of the credit union, we may disclose all of the information we collect as described above, to companies that perform marketing or other services on our behalf or to other financial institutions with whom we have joint marketing agreements so that we may provide members competitive products and services. We may also disclose nonpublic personal information about you under circumstances as permitted or required by law. These disclosures typically include information to process transactions on your behalf, conduct the operations of our credit union, follow your instructions as you authorize, or protect the security of our financial records.

To protect our members' privacy, we only work with companies that agree to maintain strong confidentiality protections and limit the use of information we provide. We do not permit these companies to sell the information we provide to other third parties.

Disclosure of Information About Former Members

If you terminate your membership with Community One Credit Union of Ohio Inc., we will not share information we have collected about you, except as may be permitted or required by law.

How We Protect Your Information

We restrict access to nonpublic personal information about you to those employees who need to know that information to provide products or services to you. We maintain physical, electronic, or procedural safeguards that comply with federal regulations to guard your nonpublic information.

What Members Can Do to Help

Community One Credit Union is committed to protecting the privacy of its members. Members can help by following these simple guidelines:

  • Protect your account numbers, plastic card numbers, PIN's (personal identification numbers) or passwords. Never keep your PIN with your card, which can provide free access to your accounts if your card is lost or stolen.
  • Use caution when disclosing your account numbers, social security numbers, etc. to other persons. If someone calls you explaining the call is on behalf of the credit union and asks for your account number, you should beware. Official credit union staff will have access to your information and will not need to ask for it.
  • Keep your information with us current. If your address or phone number changes, please let us know. It is important that we have current information on how to reach you. If we detect potentially fraudulent or unauthorized activity or use of an account, we will attempt to contact you immediately.
  • Let us know if you have questions. Please do not hesitate to call us-we are here to serve you.


ATMs make banking more convenient, but to be safe, keep these tips in mind:

Stay alert

Be aware of your surroundings when you use an ATM, especially at night. It's best to park in a well-lighted area and have someone go with you.

Be prepared

Fill out deposit forms and have your card ready before arriving at the ATM. When you complete your transaction, pocket your card and cash immediately. Never count your money while at the ATM.

Drive-up ATMs

At a drive-up ATM, keep all doors locked. Keep your engine running and keep your passenger side and rear windows up.

Treat your ATM/debit card like cash

Guard your ATM/debit card as carefully as you would cash, checks, and credit cards. Never give your account number or card information over the phone.

Keep your PIN secret

Don't write your Personal Identification Number (PIN) on your card, or keep it in your wallet. Memorize your number and don't tell anyone what it is - that includes family members, friends, or credit union employees.

Protect your privacy

Be mindful of others nearby. Position yourself in front of the ATM and shield the keyboard with your hand to prevent anyone from observing your PIN.

Be courteous

Give people who are using the ATM before you the same level of respect and privacy you'd like to receive.

Save your receipts

Your ATM receipt may contain confidential account information, and is your only record of the transaction. Save your receipt until you get your monthly statement, and verify that your account balances.

Look for possible devices attached to an ATM

If the ATM appears to have any attachments or alterations to the card slot or keypad, do not use the terminal. If possible, report the problem to the ATM operator or financial institution immediately.

Report a lost or stolen card immediately

If your card has been lost or stolen, call C1CU immediately at (330) 305-3050 or 800-469-0497.


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